Featured Seller ~ Tutu Cute & Moore!

Featured Seller Nancy from:
Tutu Cute & Moore

How did you name your shop?
In 2001, I was approached by a B&M children's boutique shop owner to design a line of over-the- top tutus for her grand opening, thus "Tutu" had to be there. Of course they were really…."Cute"! After expanding my product line, I added "Moore", so buyers would know I offered more than just tutus. Because my mother was my first sewing teacher and my maiden name was Moore, using "Moore" was the final touch. Tutu Cute & Moore!, I love it!

By the way, seven years later, I'm still selling to the same boutique.

When is your "creating" time?
I create when the mood strikes me. My best work happens when I'm feeling it. Thankfully, I usually can't wait to walk into my studio!

What item in your shop are you most proud of?
I think this would have to be my tutus, because these are what Tutu Cute & Moore! was founded on. Oh, my birthday party hats are pretty awesome, too. And I'm really proud of....oops, I'm supposed to select just one!

Tell us about your life outside of creating and selling. (Family, hobbies, pets, ect.)
My time outside of Tutu Cute & Moore! is spent with my husband of 38 years, who is still my one and only! We have a kitty, Squirt and a yellow lab, Maggie to keep us company. I attend a yoga class four times a week and teach a class for seniors 65+, which is extremely rewarding. The remainder of my time is taken by my 20 month old granddaughter. After raising two sons, you can only imagine how excited I was to have a little girl to make tutus for!

Who is your biggest supporter?
Definitely my husband! He has always given me the freedom I need to do what I love and stands behind me 100%. He's also my computer guru and helpful with shipping when I'm in a pinch with orders.

What is your goal for your shop?
My goals are simple.....continue to thrive, as I have since 2001!

If you could have a super power what would it be?
Bring peace to our world.

Favorite time of the year? Why?
Spring, because nature is so excited to start over, year after year. I love that!

Who is your role model? Why?
My role models are people who have made it through difficult situations in their lives and have found strength to move forward. They keep me focused and help me count my many blessings each day.

Favorites things in life: Laughing, shopping, dancing, being with family, picking flowers, feeling peaceful, hugs

Place on earth: Being in the arms of my loved ones

Etsy.com Shop: tutucuteandmoore.etsy.com

Quote: Things turn out best for those who make the most of how things turn out.

Website: I wish...maybe someday!

Song or Music Group: I'm stuck in the oldies...Beatles, Elvis, Neil Young, Roy Orbinson

1 comment:

Tutu Cute and Moore! said...

Thanks so much for featuring Tutu Cute & Moore! as a featured seller. That's pretty exciting!